ACotGK: Endgame

The Accursed Crown of the Giant King is an old school role-playing game, single player, party based. It will be released in 2021 for Windows, Mac, and iOS. ACotGK is by Merry Prankster Games, and you can get more information at

The game is now winnable! There is still some stuff go back in fill in, to finish up all the content for chapter 4, but this is a big step.

The Final Dungeon

I’m working on the final dungeon for The Accursed Crown of the Giant King ( “The Hall of the Ancestors”, where the final boss has established his dark realm.

The dungeon has a tomb layout, but with some new creepy statues and arcane writings on the wall. Here’s a screenshot from the level editor:

The Hall of the Ancestors

I think it looks pretty good! I need to fill in all of the details for the last dungeon, and then go back and fill in a bunch of missing pieces from Chapter 4. And then testing. Lot’s to do, but I’m getting there.

ACotGK: Tutorial Part 7

The Accursed Crown of the Giant King is an old school role-playing game, single player, party based. It will be released in 2021 for Windows, Mac, and iOS. ACotGK is by Merry Prankster Games, and you can get more information at

The denouement of the tutorial. The party gathers the spoils from their victory, and then rests to recover their stamina. Then, they move on to the Unknown Duke Inn, where the main adventure begins. That’s it for the tutorial; not sure what I’ll blog about next.