I’ve been playing a bit of FTL lately ( https://subsetgames.com/ftl.html ); great game:

It occurs to me that the engine I use for Accursed Crown of the Giant King could pretty easily adapt to play a similar sort of roguelike:
- Any given play-through of the game could take an hour or two.
- Roguelike generation of quests, level, etc, but with a general overall plot.
- D&D-style RPG mechanics.
- Experience full party and character progression each game.
- Unlock new classes, factions, etc with each successful play.
I think it could be pretty interesting.
Of course, this is typical when I am well into the process of making a big game. I start thinking about all of the fundamental design decisions that I could have done differently. When what I really need to do is to suck it up and finish, and then I can think about what future development holds.